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Holding the Makers of Taxotere Responsible

What Out-of-Pocket Expenses Can Be Compensated by a Taxotere Settlement?


Out-of-pocket expenses need to be part of your Taxotere settlement agreement. For anyone suffering side effects from the chemotherapy drug Taxotere, the out-of-pocket costs can be substantial, especially those related to medical expenses not paid for by your health insurance plan. There can also be other out-of-pocket costs associated with travel to and from medical appointments, personal care, nursing care, and more.

The experienced defective drug attorneys of Hotze Runkle PLLC can help you understand what out-of-pocket costs you can seek compensation for. We can then help you compile the necessary information to prove your expenses were reasonable and necessary for your treatment. We will fight to include compensation for these expenses if you are part of the multidistrict litigation (MDL) lawsuits against Sanofi-Aventis, the drug’s manufacturer.  

Health Insurance Out-of-Pocket Costs

Most people know health plan insurance terms such as co-pays, coinsurance, and deductibles. But did you know that payments such as these are out-of-pocket expenses? Out-of-pocket means you pay with your own money. Here is an example of possible out-of-pocket expenses using a medical expense related to treatment from a Taxotere side effect:

  • You need to see an eye doctor (ophthalmologist) to diagnose and treat your excessive tear production (watery eyes). After you see the doctor, they will bill your health insurance company (HIC) for their services. Depending on the details of your health insurance plan (plan), your HIC will pay a predetermined maximum amount for the services performed for you by your doctor. You might have to pay the difference if your doctor’s bill exceeds your plan’s predetermined amount for the services. The difference amount is one example of an out-of-pocket expense.

Other health insurance-related out-of-pocket costs can include:

  • Co-pay – a fixed amount that you pay for a covered health care service under your plan. Co-pays are typically requested when you receive the service. A typical co-pay under a Medicare Advantage plan might be $10-$20.
  • Coinsurance – is your share of the costs of a covered healthcare service, calculated as a percentage of the allowed amount for the service after you pay any deductible. A typical coinsurance payment under an Original Medicare plan might be 20 percent.
  • Deductible – the amount you must pay for covered services during a coverage period before your plan begins to pay. The deductible coverage period is usually one year.
  • Premiums are the amount of money you pay for access to medical insurance. These are out-of-pocket expenses.

In addition to all these health insurance-related out-of-pocket expenses, there are others for which you deserve to receive compensation:

Out-of-Pocket Travel Expenses

You deserve compensation for expenses you paid to travel privately or publicly to and from necessary medical appointments. These expenses include mileage, tolls, and parking fees for personal vehicles or public transportation, such as bus fares, taxi fees, and rideshare services. Hotel room charges, and meals for out-of-town travel-related medical costs are also out-of-pocket expenses.  

Personal Care and Nursing Care Out-of-Pocket Expenses

You might need assistance to manage basic daily living activities (BDLAs) such as bathing, grooming, dressing, toileting, and eating. Sometimes BDLAs can be managed at home with the help of professional home health aides. Instrumental daily living activities (IDLAs) are more complex activities related to a person’s ability to live independently.

IDLAs include housekeeping and home maintenance, managing transportation, finances, food preparation, and medications. Skilled nursing facilities may be more appropriate for handling IDLAs. Payment for these BDLAs and IDLAs are generally out-of-pocket expenses.

Non-Covered Medical Expenses & Home Modifications

Because Taxotere side effects can cause damage to your eyes, you may need to use low-vision devices designed for the blind and visually impaired. Examples include Braille items, canes, talking watches, magnifiers, alerting indicators, and more.

Modifying your home to make it safer and easier to navigate might also be necessary. Different flooring materials may help prevent slips, trips, and falls. You might need to install a hand railing on the stairs or a grab bar in the shower and bathtub. In many rooms, higher-wattage light bulbs and more brightly colored painted walls can aid the visually impaired.

Some prescription medications, over-the-counter medications, and medical supplies such as bandages and swabs may be non-covered medical expenses eligible for compensation as out-of-pocket expenses.

Childcare Out-of-Pocket Expenses

WHAT OUT-OF-POCKET EXPENSES CAN BE COMPENSATED BY A TAXOTERE SETTLEMENT_ 2Out-of-pocket expenses related to hiring qualified individuals to help with childcare may be considered for compensation, especially if you could provide stay-at-home child care for your children before suffering Taxotere side effects.

How Can I Prove Out-of-Pocket Expenses?

You must save any receipts or invoices that accompany money you paid out-of-pocket for expenses related to your Taxotere side effects. The Sanofi-Aventis settlement negotiators will likely also demand proof that the items you’re claiming compensation for were reasonable and necessary. The experienced product liability attorneys at Hotze Runkle PLLC

You’ve already been through a lot but don’t have to go through a legal battle alone. We are working hard to investigate claims from other cancer patients suffering similar side effects. Our defective drug attorneys at [firm name] are committed to helping thousands of chemotherapy patients nationwide seek compensation and justice for unnecessary injuries and suffering caused by Taxotere’s unintended side effects.

Our lawyers can also help you understand more about the details and timing for Taxotere multidistrict litigation (MDL) lawsuits against Taxotere’s manufacturer Sanofi-Aventis. We will conduct a free case evaluation and discuss your legal options. Call us today at (800) 763-6155 for help pursuing compensation for your out-of-pocket expenses.

Main Office 1101 S Capital of Texas Hwy #C-100, West Lake Hills, TX 78746 (800) 763-6155